Privacy Notice

BAKAN DESIGN, SA DE CV with address at Av. Vía Gustavo Baz Prada 4881, col.  San Pedro Barrientos, Tlalnepantla, Edo. Mex. You are responsible for your  personal data, the use that is given to it and its protection. 

For any questions related to the protection of your personal data, you can contact  us by email:

Your personal information will be used to provide you with the services and  products you have requested, inform you about any changes or new services or  products, also to identify you in any type of legal or business relationship with us,  as well as comply with obligations contracted with our clients and to evaluate the  quality of the service we provide to you. 

We may collect your personal data verbally, in writing, or through electronic means, when you provide them directly in the following means:  

  • Phone call.
  • WhatsApp service.
  • Contact form on websites (, and
  • Contact form and / or direct messages on Social Networks.
  •  Visit one of our Showrooms (Interlomas, Tlalnepantla or Mérida)
  •  Attend or participate in events or exhibitions organized by us.


BAKAN DESIGN, SA DE CV. A company that is committed and respectful of the  rights over personal data of individuals, as well as the provisions of the federal law  for the protection of personal data held by individuals, therefore, makes this privacy  notice available to you, In order for the owner of the personal data to be  empowered to exercise their right to informative self-determination. 


1.1.- When entering and using the internet portals, which domain name is:, and Likewise, WhatsApp services and Social Networks,  visits to Showrooms and / or Exhibitions, owned by BAKAN DESIGN, SA DE CV,  declares that it is accepting the terms and conditions contained in this notice and  expressly declares and grants its acceptance and consent using to such effect  electronic means, in terms of the provisions of article 1803 of the federal civil code.  

1.2.- If the owner doesn’t fully and completely accept the terms and conditions of  this advice, they must refrain from sharing any type of information about BAKAN  DESIGN, S.A DE C.V. By any means including the site: 

1.3.- In the event that the owner continues to use, and and  www.miportafoliobakan.comIn. In addition WhatsApp and Social Network services,  visits to Showrooms and / or Exhibitions, whether in whole or in part, such action  will be considered as your absolute and express acceptance of the terms and  conditions stipulated here. 

1.4.- The unique use of the website, WhatsApp or Social Networks, visits to  Showrooms and / or Exhibitions implies for the titular public (hereinafter referred to  as the “owner” or “owners”) the full and unconditional acceptance of each and  every one of the general and particular conditions included in this privacy notice in  the version published BY BAKAN DESIGN, SA DE CV, at the same time the  owner accesses the pages or uses the services. The parts agree that in the  absence of error, fraud, bad faith or any other vice of the will that could nullify the  validity of this instrument, both agree to be bound by the provisions of the  following: 


2.1.- Personal data.- any information concerning an identified or identifiable  natural person. 

2.2.- Sensitive personal data.- those personal data that affect the most intimate  sphere of the owner. 

2.3.- Owner.- the natural person (owner) to whom the personal data identifies or  corresponds. 

2.4.- Responsible. Individual or legal entity (BAKAN DESIGN, S.A DE C.V.) Of a  private nature that decides on the processing of personal data. 

2.6.- Treatment.- the obtaining, use (which includes the access, handling, use,  transfer or disposition of personal data), disclosure or storage of personal data by  any means. 

2.7.- Third.- the natural or legal person, national or foreign, other than the owner or  the person responsible for the data.  

2.8.- Arch rights.- Rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition.  

2.9.- Tacit consent.- It will be understood that the owner has consented to the  processing of the data, when the privacy notice has been made available to him,  he does not express his opposition.  

2.10.- Primary purposes.- those for which personal data are mainly requested  and generates the relationship between BAKAN DESIGN, SA DE CV and the  owner of the personal data collected.

2.11.- Secondary purposes.- Those that are not essential for the relationship between BAKAN DESIGN, SA DE CV and the owner of the personal data  collected, but their treatment contributes to the fulfillment of the corporate purpose  of BAKAN DESIGN, SA DE CV 


The person responsible for obtaining personal data is BAKAN DESIGN, SA DE  CV, who undertakes to respect the provisions of this privacy notice (hereinafter the  “notice”), which is made available to you in compliance to what is established in the  federal law on the protection of personal data in possession of individuals  (hereinafter identified as the “law” or as “LFPDPPP”, interchangeably) and, is  applicable with respect to the personal data of natural persons, which BAKAN  DESIGN, SA DE CV Obtains from its clients, suppliers and users of the websites,,,  WhatsApp Service, Social Networks, visits to Showrooms and / or Exhibitions. 

The address established by BAKAN DESIGN, SA DE CV for the purposes of this  notice is the one located at: Vía Gustavo Baz no. 4881, col San Pedro Barrientos  Tlalnepantla, Edo. Mex. CP. 54010. 


The owner acknowledges and accepts that BAKAN DESIGN, SA DE CV will  directly obtain the following personal data, as well as data of a patrimonial and  financial nature, such as: full name, age, image and / or photograph, email,  address and / or address prosecutor, local telephone, mobile phone and / or  WhatsApp, curp, voter ID, military card, social security number, curriculum vitae,  studies carried out, federal taxpayer registry, date of birth, parents’ names, bank  accounts, clabe account , Credit Card Number.  

4.1.- the owner In this act, it grant its express consent in terms of article 9 of the  LFPDPPP, so that BAKAN DESIGN, SA DE CV, treats its personal data, including  the so-called financial and / or patrimonial data contained in this clause, to fulfill the  purposes that establishes this notice.  

4.2.- BAKAN DESIGN, SA DE CV It states that it may obtain the owner’s personal  data through so-called public access sources, in order to validate and update the  owner’s data, respecting at all times the reasonable expectation of privacy, referred  to in article 7 of the LFPDPPP.  

4.3.- The owner In this act, under protest of telling the truth, it accept that the  information it has provided is true, current and correct. In addition, it undertakes to  remove BAKAN DESIGN, SA DE CV from any demand or claim, derived from  errors in the data that it has provided.

4.4.- BAKAN DESIGN, SA DE CV will use IP (internet protocol) information to  analyze any type of threats to the site as well as to collect demographic information.  However, the IP information will in no case be used to identify the holders, except  when there is a likelihood of fraudulent activity. 


5.1.- USE of cookies. It is possible that the sites ,, and social networks, make  use of “cookies” in connection with certain features or functions. Cookies are  specific types of information that a website transmits to the owner’s computer hard  drive in order to maintain records. Cookies can be used to facilitate the use of a  website, by saving passwords and preferences while the owner browses the  internet. The site, bakaninternational.comThe site and use cookies to obtain  personally identifiable data from the owner’s computer that was not originally sent  as part of the cookie.  

5.2.- For their part, “web beacons” are images inserted into an internet page or  email, which can be used to monitor the behavior of a visitor, such as storing  information about the user’s IP address, duration of time of interaction in said page  and the type of browser used, among others.  

5.3.- Although most browsers accept “cookies” and “web beacons” automatically,  the owner can configure his browser so that it does not accept them.  

5.4.- To disable “cookies”, you must follow the following instructions:  

5.4.1.- On a PC: open the internet browser, enter to “tools” menu, enter “internet  options”, choose the “privacy” tab, move the configuration cursor to “block all  cookies”.  

5.4.2.- On a MAC: open the internet application, go to “preferences”, choose the  “security” option, choose “never” in the “accept cookies” option. 

6.-PURPOSES OF THE PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA. BAKAN DESIGN, SA DE CV You accept and acknowledge that you may process  the personal data of the owner, for the following main purposes:  

6.1 Owner- Client 

6.2 Holder-Candidate 

6.3 Owner-Worker

6.4 Owner-Provider 

6.5 Holder- Visitor 

6.7 Owner- User 


  1. Register them in your accounting system for access to personal data, by the  persons authorized to do so, which will be kept for up to 10 years. 
  2. Make the collections, as well as credit notes, corresponding to the products or  services granted by BAKAN DESIGN, SA DE CV 
  3. Carry out all kinds of procedures for opening credits. 
  4. Contact and follow up on requests for products or services required by the client.  
  5. Contact the Owner-Client by any means, in order to place orders, clarifications  and follow-up on charges or any other situation derived from the products or  services provided by BAKAN DESIGN, SA DE CV 
  6. Carry out evaluations on the quality of the service and the BAKAN DESIGN and  / or BAKAN HOME products. 


  1. Get in touch with the holder-candidate, by any means, in order to follow up and  evaluate the experience and studies of the holder-candidate, to know the viability  of being selected and the possibilities of success of the same in the position they  intend play.  
  2. Make a file of the holder-candidate, which will be kept in the human resources  offices of BAKAN DESIGN, SA DE CV, for up to six months, in case of not being  selected for the position they intend to perform. 


  1. Carry out a file that will be kept in the offices of BAKAN DESIGN SA DE CV.  Same as it may be physical and / or digital.  
  2. Carry out the necessary procedures for registration, cancellation or modifications  before the Mexican Institute of Social Security and other institutions that may be  required.  
  3. Make the corresponding payments to the beneficiaries of alimony. 
  4. Carry out the necessary procedures to obtain the debit card, for the deposit of  the salary and other benefits generated in favor of the owner-worker.  
  5. Carry out medical examinations of the holder-Worker, for which the requested  sensitive personal data will be required. 
  6. Carry out the payroll and payment process in the account of the owner-worker. 


  1. Register them in your accounting system, for access to personal data, by the  persons authorized to do so, which will be kept for 10 years. 
  2. Make the payments corresponding to the products or services granted to Bakan  Design, S.A de C.V, either in cash, check, deposit or bank transfer.  
  3. Contact the owner-supplier by any means, in order to place orders, clarifications  and follow-up on payments or any other situation derived from the products or  services granted to BAKAN DESIGN, SA DE CV 


  1. Identify the visitors who are in the facilities of BAKAN DESIGN, SA DE CV 
  2. Carry out, directly or through the person in charge, the registration of visitors’  entries and exits to their facilities.  
  3. Store in a database. The registration data for entering and leaving the facilities  of BAKAN DESIGN SA DE CV For a period of 1- one year, from the date of  registration. 

6.6.- OWNER-USER OF THE WEBSITES, and, WhatsApp o Social  Networks 

  1. Contact the Owner-User of the websites, in relation to the services requested.  
  2. Inform by any means, about changes or new products and / or services and / or  offers that are related to those that the Owner-User of the website acquires or  accesses. 
  3. Contact via email and / or telephone the Owner-User of the website, to attend  and follow up on their comments or requests in the “contact via email” section,  which is located at the bottom of the website. 

6.7.- THE HOLDER’S PERSONAL DATA They may be used for the following  secondary purposes:

  1. Generate a record in the contact database of BAKAN DESIGN, SA DE CV,  which will be kept for 10 years.  
  2. Carry out evaluations on the quality of the service and the products of BAKAN  DESIGN, SA DE CV  
  3. Carry out internal studies on consumer habits 
  4. Send them communications for advertising or marketing purposes regarding the  products offered by BAKAN DESIGN, SA DE CV

6.8.- In the event that the owner It doesn’t want BAKAN DESIGN, SA DE CV to  use your personal data for the secondary purposes established in section 6.7.,  BAKAN DESIGN.SA DE CV offers you an email to which you must send your  personal data processing block so that it can be canceled within a maximum period  of 20 days, which is provided below: 

7.- LIMITATIONS FOR ACCESS AND DISCLOSURE OF PERSONAL DATA. BAKAN DESIGN, SA DE CV, undertakes to protect the security of the personal  data that the owner is giving him, by means of the celebration of legal acts, the use  of his web pages (, and, Social Networks and WhatsApp Service that control  the access, use or disclosure without authorization of personal information.  

For this purpose, personal information is stored in security backups that are made  incrementally and that have limited access; backups found in facilities controlled  with security mechanisms; BAKAN DESIGN, SA DE CV It undertakes that the  information provided by the owner is considered confidential and used under full  privacy. 

In this sense, BAKAN DESIGN, SA DE CV undertakes to take the necessary  measures to guarantee that the managers it hires comply with the purposes  established in this notice. 


In the event that the owner needs to remove his consent, as well as access, rectify,  cancel, oppose the processing of the personal data that he has provided, he must  do so through the designated person BAKAN DESIGN, SA DE CV by means of  email : 


The owner of personal data may revoke the consent that is granted with the  acceptance of this. Said revocation of the consent that is granted by electronic  means, must be done observing the following procedure: 

9.1.- Send an email in attention to the person in charge, designated in point 8-eight  of this notice, through which said requests will be attended .  

9.2.- Send a request or data message to the email specified above, in which you  indicate:  

9.2.1.- The full name of the owner, address and email to receive the response  generated on the occasion of your request;  

9.2.2.- The reason for your request;  

9.2.3.- The arguments that support your request or petition;  

9.2.4.- Official document proving your identity and proving that you are who you  say you are;  

9.2.5. – Date from which the revocation of your consent becomes effective.  

9.3.- BAKAN DESIGN, SA DE CV will notify the holder, within a maximum period  of 20-20 days, counted from the date on which the request for the exercise of the  arc rights was received, the resolution adopted, to the effect that , if appropriate, it  becomes effective within 15 days following the date on which the response is  communicated, by means of a message containing that it has carried out all the  acts aimed at not treating the owner’s personal data. 


In the event that the owner needs to access, rectify, cancel or oppose the personal  data that he has provided to BAKAN DESIGN, SA DE CV The owner must follow  the following procedure: 

Send an email to the person in charge, designated in point 8 -eight of this notice,  by means of which said requests will be attended, stating the following:  

10.2.1.- The full name of the owner, address and email to receive the response  generated on the occasion of your request;  

10.2.2.- The reason for your request;  

10.2.3.- The arguments that support your request or petition;  

10.2.4.- Official document proving your identity and proving that you are who you  say you are; 

10.2.5.- Clear and precise description of the personal data with respect to which  one seeks to exercise any of the Arco rights, and any other element or document  that facilitates the location of personal data;  

10.2.6.- In the case of requests for rectification of personal data, the owner must  indicate, in addition to what is indicated, the modifications to be made and provide  the documentation that supports their request.  

10.3.- BAKAN DESIGN, SA DE CV will notify the owner, within a maximum period  of 20 days from the date on which the request for access, rectification, cancellation  or opposition was received, the resolution adopted, to the effect that, if it is  appropriate, it becomes effective within 15 days following the date on which the  response is communicated. In the case of requests for access to personal data, the  delivery will proceed after proof of the identity of the applicant or legal  representative, as appropriate. – In the case of requests for rectification of personal  data, the owner must indicate, in addition to what is indicated, the modifications to  be made and provide the documentation that supports his request.  


BAKAN DESIGN, S .AD E CV undertakes not to transfer or share the data  referred to in this notice, in favor of third parties, except in cases where it is  necessary to fulfill the purposes of this notice.  

Not withstanding the foregoing and, in the event of security breaches occurring in  any phase of the treatment, which significantly affect the economic or moral rights  of the holders, they will be informed by email, immediately, in order to that the latter  may take the corresponding measures to defend their rights, releasing BAKAN  DESIGN, SA DE CV from any liability, if the violation is not attributable to it. 


The parties agree that the privacy notice may be modified in the time and form that  BAKAN DESIGN, SA DE CV determines, taking into account the study and  regulations regarding the protection of personal data arise, for which it is obliged to  keep updated this notice, for consultation on the websites, whose url is: and www.miportafoliobakan.comso that, where appropriate,  the owner is able to exercise their arc rights. 

In the event of modifications to the notice, BAKAN DESIGN, SA DE .CV. It will  notify it through its local channel, so that the owner is able to consult the update of  the notice, through the site: 


The parties express that this notice will be governed by the legal provisions  applicable in the Mexican Republic, especially by the provisions of the federal law  on personal data held by individuals and its regulations.  

In the event that there is a dispute or controversy, derived from the interpretation,  execution or fulfillment of the notice or any of the documents derived from it, or that  are related to it, the parties amicably will seek to reach an agreement within within  a period of 30 calendar days, counted from the date on which any difference arises  and the counterpart is notified in writing about said event, deducting the mediation  process before the alternative justice center of the federal district, taking under the  protection of the alternative justice law of the superior court of justice of the federal  district and its internal regulations, in force at the time the controversy is presented. 

In the event that the parts do not reach an agreement, they agree in this act to  submit all disagreements that derive from this notice or from any of the documents  that derive from it, or that are related to this or those, will be resolved they are  definitively subject to the jurisdiction and laws of the federal administrative  authorities or courts of Tlalnepantla de Baz, expressly renouncing any different  jurisdiction that may correspond to them for reasons of their present or future  addresses.